If I don’t include the countries I drove through with my parents when I was a little girl, I have visited 22 countries so far. That sounds like a lot but compared to the average digital nomad, I am just an amateur. Nevertheless, I’ve been lucky enough to be able to tick off a lot […]
Cuba: know before you go

To avoid coming back from your trip disappointed, it’s good to know what to expect before you jump on that plane all excited. Now I believe you should always do some reseach about a country before heading off but for a country like Cuba, this is kind of a deal breaker.
A brief look back on my trip to Cuba

Cuba is an interesting country, that we tourists – because at the end of the day that’s what we are – will never fully understand. Certainly not after a first visit and definitely not when we don’t speak fluent Spanish. Just accept it and have the time of your life! To be honest, traveling Cuba […]
My 5 favorite spots in Rotterdam

The best thing about traveling is coming home. Cliche, but true! Not just because you long for your own bed and shower (which is basicly the best thing after traveling) but mainly because you start seeing ‘home’ with a different perspective. Because even though the Swan Bridge is as powerfull as ever and people still […]
Bali memories

Het is misschien niet de meest bijzondere reis geweest die ik gemaakt heb, maar wel één die mij vele mooie herinneringen rijker heeft gemaakt. Mijn voorouders komen van Indonesië en naarmate ik ouder werd, nam de nieuwsgierigheid toe. Bovendien zijn mijn opa en oma helemaal weg van het eiland dus toen mijn ouders besloten een vakantie naar Bali te boeken, besloot ik samen met een vriendin mee te gaan! We hebben het er nog over. ‘Weet je nog, die keer op Bali?’